Competence as a key factor

Competence is a byword for success. The specific competence profile of a company is the basis for sustainable competitive advantages and long-term success of the company.

To fully take advantage of the company’s competences it is necessary to know them in the first place.

The Steinbeis Enterprise Competence Check (ECC) will help to systematically identify and analyze the competences of your company. It will support you in identifying the organizations’ strengths and meeting challenges actively. Therefore, the personal competences of the employees and also the organizational capabilities of the firm are taken into consideration.

With the ECC you will be able to identify your company’s competences so you can efficiently combine and coordinate them in a useful and profitable way.

Learn more about the possibilities and the functions of the Check by doing the free-of-charge Quick-Check. In about 20 minutes you will have a first overview of your organizational competence profile.

If you are interested in a subsequent, deeper analysis, the discussion of your results or the derivation and implementation of recommendations for actions, we are looking forward to your request.

The Enterprise Competence Check (ECC)

Access Steinbeis Experience!

The Quick-Check

Rate your company on the basis of 72 indicators on a qualitative five-level scale from “++” to “–” and get an initial overview of your company’s competence profile in about 20 minutes.

The Master-Check

Analyze your company’s competences based on 120 qualitative indicators, develop strategies and take measures in collaboration with your personal ECC consultant to further develop your competence profile.

You can profit from the possibility of industry and regional benchmarks as well as self-assessment and external assessment analysis.

Target groups

The ECC is fit for all organizations and businesses, which are interested in further developing their respective competence profile and therefore build the foundation for a long-term innovation and business success. The Check is as suitable for small and medium sized firms as it is for larger companies and corporations. Furthermore, the concept was developed with both production industry and service providers in mind and thus, will be applicable to either form.

Moreover, the ECC is an instrument for consultants and enables them a structured entry to new consulting projects. The ease of use, the comprehensive content-related design and the methodical foundation of the Check allow for a structured, high-quality, customer-individual and problem-solving solution. The consultant is relieved from the creation of project reports and graphics by a comprehensive range of automated evaluation tools, providing both text and visual evaluation. Further, it is possible to do consecutive time series analysis and interpret results with the help of industry and regional benchmarks.

In addition, it is possible to use the ECC in didactics and research.

Your benefits at a glance

  • The ECC enables a holistic view on the company’s competences as well as an identification of central strengths and challenges.
  • The ECC convinces through its ease of use, the comprehensive content-related design and the methodical foundation
  • The ECC lays the foundation for structured consultancy that is tailored to the customers’ needs
  • The ECC allows for consecutive time series analysis as well as for industry and regional benchmarks
  • The ECC enables you the access to the wide range of know-how in the Steinbeis Network

You want to identify your own competences and use them in a fruitful way?

You want to make use of your strengths and handle the challenges actively?

You want to profit from the experts know-how found in the Steinbeis Network?

Do you need more information?

Contact us!

Dr. Michael Ortiz

Project Manager, Enterprise Competence Check

Maximilian Werling

Project Manager, Enterprise Competence Check
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