The Master-Check

The ECC Master-Check is the professional full version of the enterprise competence analysis provided by Steinbeis. It builds upon the same foundation as the ECC Quick-Check, but examines even more indicators in the process, thus, enabling a broader, more detailed and precise analysis of your company’s competence profile. Only with the Master-Check you will have full access to all the analysis tools available in the ECC:

  • Comparing your own assessment with that of others
  • Comparing multiple self-assessments in the company with multiple assessments by others (Function-level comparison)
  • Detailed automated evaluations with a detailed and differentiated display of the competency profile as well as the specific causes of strengths and weaknesses
  • Comparisons with companies of the same industry
  • Comparisons with companies of the same operations size category
  • Comparison with companies of same age
  • Comparisons with companies in the region – Possibility of comparisons over a period of time
  • Option of comparison using Best Practice Models
  • Option of initiating Benchmarking processes

The result of an analysis with the ECC is a differentiated view on the competence profile of the investigated company. Every evaluation contains a detailed full text analysis as well as accompanying graphs and graphics detailing the overall competence profile as well as the underlying competence profiles of each competence level.

The evaluation of the Master-Check can then be enriched by individual database-supported analysis, allowing for benchmarks, again also both visually and in text form. Further actions, especially recommendations of actions and implementation strategies could be developed in close cooperation with a certified ECC consultant. Also further analysis with special tools are offered individually by ECC consultants.

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