The Quick-Check

The ECC Quick-Check is the starting point for an ECC analysis. It allows a fast and efficient documentation and visualization of the competence profile of the company. You will receive an automatic evaluation with a differentiated view on your company’s competence profile in about 20 minutes. Strengths and weaknesses are shown both visually in the form of graphs and graphics and in the form of a detailed full text. Radar charts will help you to grasp the overall competence profile as well as the underlying profiles of the different competence levels at the first glance. The evaluation texts give links for finding causes for strengths and weaknesses in the company’s competence profile.

The Quick-Check is available on this website, without costs or other restrictions. It allows everyone to analyze a company’s competences, whether it’s for their own or another business. Therefore it is possible to differentiate between self-assessment and foreign assessment. Consultants can either send a link to the Check to their customers so they can do a self-assessment or individually guide them as they are completing the Check. Users who completed the Quick-Check are free to seek further consultancy in regard to enterprise competences through the pool of certified ECC consultants. There is also the possibility of completing a Master-Check in close collaboration with one of these consultants.

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